Some Important news of the day; 27 March 2021; Important National and International News

1. Only the ‘cucumber diet’ will lose 7 kg in a week; Find out how healthy this vegetable is !

Bhubaneswar: No one likes to gain weight. Obesity not only destroys a person’s beauty but also causes many diseases. Therefore, experts recommend a variety of foods to lose weight. This includes cucumbers. But before you follow this diet, be aware of some important things ..

The cucumber diet helps a lot in weight loss. People who follow this diet can easily lose 7 pounds in 7 to 14 days. The diet recommends keeping fruits and vegetables at a lower level than cucumbers. For example, this diet mainly includes some protein-rich foods such as eggs, chicken, fish and almonds.

People who follow a cucumber diet are advised to eat cucumber in most foods. According to this diet, whenever a person is hungry, he should eat cucumber. Cucumbers are low in calories and you can eat as much as you want. In addition, cucumbers are low in protein, so incorporating this diet into your diet should include protein-rich foods such as eggs, meat, cheese, and almonds.

Cucumber diets can cause a person to lose weight for a while due to low calories, but as a person begins to follow their old diet, their weight also increases again. This is especially true when a person loses control of their eating and drinking habits again and does not include nutrients in their diet. Therefore, in order to control or reduce weight gain and also improve your health, include a variety of foods in your diet.

The biggest problem with the cucumber diet is that cucumbers contain very little nutrients, which are not enough for the body, and taking such foods for a long time can lead to malnutrition and health problems in the body. In addition, removing food from your diet can lead to malnutrition, which can lead to irritability, fatigue, and even depression.

2. Final preparations for matriculation examinations, formation of 140 squares for 3221 centers.

Cuttack: Matriculation examinations will begin on May 3. Preparations for this has now reached the final stage. A total of 140 squads have been set up to oversee the final examination management system, which has been completed by 3,221 centers this year. The Board of Secondary Education (Board) has formed a squad in two phases to ensure transparency in the conduct of examinations.

Similarly, this time the board has formed 40 squads. At the district level, a total of 100 squads have been formed by the District Education Officers (DEOs). The squad will oversee test centers and operations. At the district level, the District Education Officer (DEO) level squad has deployed senior faculty members, including OES7 officers and senior teachers.

In addition, the board has written to the district commissioners to appoint special supervisors in each district and the district administration for each center. At the district level, supervisors assigned to each center will take a closer look at the test management system. The Center is also responsible for overseeing the entry, verification, opening of question paper packets at the scheduled time and the collection of answers from the examinees to the Nodal Center.

The Center has a system of reporting to the district education officer immediately if there is a minor error in the examination management system. The Flying Squad, formed by the board, will inspect various centers and nodal centers in the state and report to the board at regular intervals.

This year, 3,221 test centers have been set up for 6,29,000 matriculation candidates in the state. It has also been decided to open 327 nodal centers at 6 zones. The matriculation examination will begin on May 3 and end on May 15.

3. Fear of second wave of corona: Fear now, more than a million active cases.

New Delhi: The second wave of the Corona virus has swept across the country. New cases are coming in from different states on a regular basis. Even the number of infections is growing rapidly. So far, the number of active cases has increased from 1 lakh to 4 lakh in 5 days. Earlier, there were more active cases in September. But now it has broken records.

As many as 59,177 new cases were reported in the country on Thursday. The number of positives has increased in the last 160 days. Mysore, Maharashtra, has been hit hardest. Maharashtra has 36,000 new cases, the highest number. The death toll has increased sharply in the past three days. In two days, 52,000 active cases have crossed the country. It also crossed the previous record. With this in mind, the number of daily infections has reached 1 lakh. In the first wave last year, the crown reached its peak in September.

According to the Ministry of Health, the March 24 regular case rate in the country was 4.6 per cent. As of March 21, it was around 3.7 percent. Now the situation is getting worse in different states as well. Maharashtra has 23 per cent, Punjab 5.6 per cent, Chhattisgarh 4.8 per cent, Kerala 3.4 per cent and Karnataka only 2 per cent.

In the last two weeks, the number of new infections in the country has increased by 7.7 percent. In just 10 days, 40,000 infections have been reported. More and more tests, such as random tests, will soon reveal who has the virus.

4. Zodiac change April 2021: The zodiac will change its zodiac sign, find out how it will be affected.

Bhubaneswar: Jupiter, which has been in Saturn for Capricorn for the past 13 months, will change its zodiac sign on Monday, April 5, 2021, to enter Aquarius. Aquarius is also the sign of Saturn which is the enemy of Jupiter. So the environment will not change for the country and the world. This will continue for 13 months. Jupiter will return on June 20 and return to Capricorn on September 16 and remain in Capricorn until November 20, but will travel in Aquarius from November 20 to April 13, 2022. So let’s find out how this zodiac change will have an impact on different zodiac signs…

Aries: Jupiter will have the benefit of the arrival of Jupiter. Businesses or job seekers will reap the full rewards of their hard work.

Taurus: The tenth house has the addition of Jupiter's arrival. Gaining respect can create new streams of income.

Gemini: The arrival of Jupiter in the house of luck will be very good. Wealth will continue to grow but costs will also increase. There is a possibility of being busy with good deeds at home.

Cancer: Jupiter's arrival in the eighth house will yield both good and bad results. Profits will be lower. Mental anxiety can increase. Avoid anger and be cautious about dealing.

Leo: The arrival of Jupiter in the seventh house will be auspicious, but there will be mental anxieties. There is the addition of coming in contact with a friend and doing new things. Will fulfill family responsibilities well.

Virgo: The arrival of Jupiter in the sixth house will gain wealth. Beware of opponents. The family is likely to do well. He will also take special care of his health. There is also the possibility of traveling.

Libra: Aquarius Jupiter is going to make people happy in Libra. The income stream will be stable. The efficiency will increase. Will be satisfied on the part of the child. Communication with politicians will increase. Will be honored.

Scorpio: Jupiter in the fourth house can cause wealth damage. There will be ideological differences with the family. Although there will be money gains but also unnecessary expenses. Take care of your health and control your spending.

Sagittarius: Jupiter's circulation in the third place will make you happy. Benefit from friends and well-wishers. The brothers will be supported. There is the addition of completing any major task. But control your anger.

Capricorn: This year is going to bring both good and good results for people in Capricorn. There will be good deeds in the family. Vain worries will increase. Mental health can affect your health. You will be blessed by a senior member of the family.

Aquarius: Jupiter is born in the sign of Aquarius. But the harder you work, the more you will reap. Take special care of your health, as Jupiter can cause physical problems in the first house.

Pisces: Jupiter in the twelfth is not auspicious for Pisces people. Along with unnecessary expenses, false allegations can also be added. So stay away from debate.

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